In a not so distant future, where AI took over real world jobs and humans are now mostly making a living in the metaverse. There is a young lady whose name is Ana. She came from a family of farmers that is living a normal life in a farming district far away from the city. This district has been dedicated to producing food sustainability for the country. The people who are living here are so dedicated to their craft that they are only focused on their ancestral teachings of food production for everyone. Ever since she was born she has been fascinated by technology. She would just dream and wonder how her glasses that had been given to her for xmas by her father could do so many things at once. Like playing games while attending her classes just a few minutes after waking up, not even touching her toothbrush, and just sitting on her bed. By the time she was eighteen she had already accumulated enough funds from playing Aurory and Star Atlas to fund her dream of moving to the big city. To see where all the magic is happening in real life.

She politely asked her parents for permission to venture to the city. His father is against it and her mother is also afraid but at the same time she doesnt want Ana to be like them. Trapped in their ancestral beliefs. So one night her mother woke her up. Her mother already pre-booked a Teleport rideshare to pick her up. Her mother gave her some words of wisdom before closing the car door. As she watched her mother with tears in her eyes from far away. She can’t help herself but also smiles, thinking what is lying ahead of her in the big city.

Five years have passed since Ana moved to the city. She is currently living in an apartment by herself. She also bought her own gaming rig and placed it in a dedicated playing room. Her daily routine starts as early as 4 am. She would drink some water and a few minutes of meditation. Afterwards she would meet her girlfriend Merry in the lobby. Merry is always on time. She values it above everything else. That’s why she is solving problems as fast and as efficiently as possible. They have known each other for 2 years now and are living beside each other's unit.

They always run together in the morning as their normal routine while donning their lightweight anti UV smart sports glasses. These glasses are also interconnected to our brain without using any implants and they can sort out what your brain is telling it to do while we are moving. So they are also checking their Genopets while running. Once they finish they feed their steps to it to make it grow and evolve. Also as a routine Ana is ordering her breakfast through the glasses but this morning she forgot that she had purchased last night a very rare avatar skin, And she forgot to withdraw some stables. Her stable coin is not enough right now so she withdrew some ISC stable coin from the profit on her Flexlend ISC lending account on Kamino finance. Without physically withdrawing the money she just withdrew some money from her Phantom wallet. She then directly went to the pizza store that also has a metaverse booth where you just simply press what you want to order, and pay with your stable coin using your non custodial Phantom wallet. She also does not worry too much about wallet hacking because beside the security of the Phantom wallet she also uses Lighthouse protocol. Which safely checks the transactions to the next level to avoid bad actors from exploiting her wallet. Once she was already in her apartment unit. She is tracking her order directly on the metaverse. The delivery has a real time tracker powered by Hivemapper so she can track everything that she orders in the metaverse.

There is also an estimation that it will be at her doorstep in 5 minutes. Just before the delivery man arrived at her doorstep. She opened the door directly and received the order(This is how it happens nowadays). After having eaten her pizza she then took a shower before doing her job. As she was preparing to enter the metaverse Selina her AI assistant (nowadays you can get your own AI assistant which can do almost all Personal Assistant jobs) informed her that Merry is outside and wants to pick up her Rugby ball that she brought with her last night while visiting Ana. Ana told Selina to open the door and let Merry inside to pick up her Rugby ball (this rugby ball is special to her because it came from her dad who is a 2 time MVP of the game). Now Ana is ready to do her job. She donned her headgear and sat down on her gaming Rig. As she entered the Metaverse she transformed from a young lady to a big scarecrow avatar which she has scored from Tensor trade. Honoring her roots. Aurory is integrated with GenesysGo’s Shadowdrive with its ever expanding map it has a very smooth gameplay immersion experience. After exploring the world of Tokane with her neftie N-9. She cashed out some Aury in game and used Jupiter swap to change it to ISC. She then put the ISC stables to Flexlend and as she set it up in order to put the money where the APY is much higher. Flexlend put it on Solend for now but sometimes it varies. Sometimes it goes to Marginfi, Mango, Kamino and other Dapps in the Solana ecosystem that have a stable coin lending feature. She looks at the time it’s already 5 pm. She wants to eat something homecooked tonight. She then went to a grocery store in the Metaverse and bought some steak, mashed potato and some greens. She talked to Selina about the order and told her to inform if the delivery is already there. Even though she can monitor it through her Head gear directly. While the order is on the way. She opened her Access Protocol Dapp. Went to her favorite game streamer for some tips on a hard to beat Dracurve. As she was very focused on the tutorial she did not notice that the delivery was already on her doorstep. Thankfully the ever helpful Selina is always there to remind her. She received the order and went directly to cooking it of course with the help of Selina. After eating she then went to run some codes that she is trying to finish checking where it went wrong. This is how a typical day of Ana goes. When she wants to go to sleep she is listening to dReader’s new comic to relax herself. As she was about to sleep her childhood entered her thoughts. It has been 5 years since she left her homeland. Although she is constantly communicating with her mother through helium network subscription. His father hasn’t talked to her since she left home. She is still mustering enough courage to see his father. And by the way she still has lots to do. She has been inspired by the metaverse since she was a child, and the seamless transactions that make her life easier. She wants to develop things that could make the life not only of her parents but the farmer’s as a whole. She wants to build a product that could eliminate or at least minimize the middlemen from farmers to consumers with the use of blockchain. She has dedicated ample time studying web development in her freetime. Also doing the coding tutorials that she has subscribed to on Access protocol from time to time. Following closely on Lamport DAO’s socials and new developments in Solana ecosystem. She has also experienced the effects of the optimization with Firedancers integrations to the network. She is very fascinated by Helius' unwavering commitment to making the network more developer and user friendly. She knows that this is the right ecosystem to build the product that would fit the market that she wants to integrate it with. She knows that she still has a lot to learn but with the help of the right people that are willing to share knowledge for the better of humanity. She knows she chose the right path. While gaming and studying within the ecosystem. She is also learning how to handle her finances as well. All this in only one ecosystem that is for the consumer of all levels. She knows that one day she will be pitching her product in the colosseum hackathon. But before that day comes she needs to sleep in order to have the energy she needs the next day.

This is the ETHOS chapter of the story. ETHOS is Exciting Times Here On Solana. Inspired by OPOS or Only Possible On Solana. This is just the starting chapter and still has two chapters left of the argument triangle.

In the next chapters we will follow Ana on her Solana ecosystem adventures. We will see how she will achieve her goals with the help of Solana’s Metaverse.

Website links:

Aurory Project:

Star Atlas:

Teleport Rideshare:







Tensor Trade: